Enclosed: 5 month time period DNS logs showing artifacts of Russian Alfa Bank connections to mail1.Trump-Email.com. Trump-Email.com is confirmed to belong to the Trump Organization. Follow the directions in trump-email.com.whois to verify this for yourself. The host mail1.Trump-Email.com ONLY has traffic with Alfa Bank and Spectrum Health in a substantial pattern of human communication. You can obtain a histogram of this data and run it for yourself on your own computer by opening the file in this archive named all.html or visiting http://gdd.i2p on the dark web. There you can note the peaks and valleys which may be correlated to news and election cycle events. You can compare the log traffic patterns with studies of botnet and spam traffic patterns; this traffic is confirmed not to be botnet or spam. You can study the special anomalous configuration of the mail server dedicated only to this purpose in these 5 months. Consider most strongly what happened after the New York Times reporter asked ONLY Alfa Bank on Sept 21, what the connections are about: - Suddenly after 7 years of stable operation, Trump Organization orders their vendor CDCServices aka CenDyn.com - to make the host Trump-Email.com disappear - Why did TRUMP react when only ALFA was asked? - Trump Organization denies having any relationship of any kind with Alfa Bank and denies having any communications with Alfa Bank - Why was the zone file for Trump-Email.com removed from the three CDCServices.com authoritative name servers at about 9:50am Eastern US time on Sept 23rd? (Removed from configuration files for ns1 and ns3; just delete A record from ns2. You can still test this for yourself today.) BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE: - CDCServices aka CenDyn (Trump's CRM vendor) creates a replacement hostname pointing to the same IP mail1.Trump-Email.com had pointed to. - This new host is named trump1.contact-client.com. - The first company to look up the new Trump1 host? Alfa Bank from the same Russian IP space that communicated for 5 months with mail1.Trump-Email.com! (The more recent details may only be available at http://gdd.i2p) Who are the companies that play a role in this saga? - The Trump Organization is the owner of the domain Trump-Email.com and gives orders to vendors how to configure servers for Trump Organization use and when to add or remove hosts. - Listrak.com: Vendors to Trump. Listrak.com maintains the physical server the mail1.Trump-Email.com and trump1.contact-client.com hostnames pointed to. - CDCServices aka CenDyn.com: Vendors to Trump. CenDyn provides CRM (Customer Relationship Management) marketing, "one-to-one" email communications specializing in the hospitality industry. CDCServices operates the authoritative name service for the Trump-Email.com domain name which is owned by the Trump Organization as well as the Contact-Client.com domain which is owned by CenDyn. - Alfa Bank, the largest private bank in Russia with massive assets, very close ties to the Kremlin, recent "investments" in America and a stated interest (Bloomberg) in investing 2 billion $ in US health care businesses - Spectrum Health, a US health care business in Michigan also with substantial donor relationships with the Devos family, founders of Amway / Alticor which also operates in Russia. The Devos family has a member who founded Blackwater and the Devos family has recently given millions (see FEC.gov) to Koch Brothers and Karl Rove super PACs. Watch http://gdd.i2p or mirrors for more. NOTE The attached histogram depends on highstock.js and jquery, both well known javascript frameworks for creating the chart. **** Viewing the all.html will access highcharts.com. If you wish to avoid this, download highstock.js and jquery yourself and edit all.html to point to your local copy of highcharts.js. MORE QUESTIONS? See http://gdd.i2p which may have an email address you can write to